I just wanna party you should be here with me
I just wanna party you should be here with me

If she can't call me a friend, I shouldn't do the same. So, no, by her standards, I was not a legitimate friend of her's. I mean no one wants to lose someone who they were close with, especially in such a negative nonchalant manner, because it's more than just growing apart.īut I've been thinking, if she is treating me like this, was she really my friend in the first place? Because friends don't treat friends in these manners, even if they don't want to be friends you'd have a conversation about it, not ignore them or act like they're not important. It hurts even more when a person you cared a lot about kicks you to the curb. I ask myself, “Why would she do something like this?" Not just because it's extremely rude, but because she was my friend. I was hanging onto what our friendship used to be like and I thought it could come back. It took me a while to figure out she did not want me as her friend anymore. I missed her terribly, and I couldn't even figure out why she left me in the first place.īut she was ignoring me and lying to me and giving me countless excuses. I tried and tried to get her back, but nothing I did would change her mind. I felt like a piece of me had been ripped off and buried in the mud.

i just wanna party you should be here with me

When I lost my friend for reasons I still don't know back in November, I was devastated. If your friend is doing these behaviors, then I hate to break it to you, but she doesn't want to be friends anymore.

i just wanna party you should be here with me i just wanna party you should be here with me

When you and the person you told your secrets to can't figure out if you should have a conversation, then you know that your friendship will never be the same. There's a lot of awkward silences and you can't figure out what to talk about, or if you should talk for that matter. When you are together, you can't seem to figure out what to say to each other. No longer do you talk about your summer vacation to the Cape or her beach house in Ipswich. The weather, school, and, if any, shared clubs will be the extent of your conversation. If conversations between you and your ex-best friend manage to get passed the most basic uninformative conversation known as “Hi how are you," then conversations will remain in the small-talk genre. They'll act like my friend again for the time being, but once I'm done giving them what they want, they'll go back to ignoring you. I mean, of course I will, because I'm a nice person who hopes that by giving them what they want, they will see that I'm a generous person and will want to be friends again. I in no way want to since they're just coming to me knowing that I will give them what they want. Why would I give my time to someone who shows absolutely no enthusiasm in my presence nor reciprocates when I do all I can to win back her friendship? I know we used to be friends, and I still want to be friends, but you can't just drop me and expect me to want to help you. Oh, so you need help with that psychology homework? And those flyers for that charity event?

i just wanna party you should be here with me

She only talks to you when she needs something. You'll find out the next day that she and her pals went glow-in-the-dark mini golfing while you were coloring in your adult coloring books alone in your dorm.Ħ. You used to be one of the first people she'd ask to hang out with but now you don't even cross her mind. She always makes plans without asking youĭon't best friends always ask each other if they want to do something together over the weekend? Yes, but not if they don't want you as their friend anymore.

I just wanna party you should be here with me